Sell On GroupGets
Do you possess an outstanding electronics product but wish to avoid the hassle of shipping or require assistance in securing funds for production? Look no further! Our group order system offers a solution to fund production, coupled with a decade-long track record of successfully shipping products globally. Drop us a message at with information about your needs and product details. We might just have the perfect solution for you!
"GroupGets have been with OAD (Open Acoustic Devices) from the very start and were essential to getting AudioMoth off the ground. To this day, 5 years on, they still feel as much part of the team as ever, manufacturing AudioMoths" and fulfilling customer orders so we can concentrate on developing and supporting the core AudioMoth technology."

Andy Hill
Co-Founder of Open Acoustic Devices
"GroupGets has been my trusted partner since 2017. Since then I have launched several products and they have always been transparent and knowledgeable. They are perfect for makers that want to validate that their product has a market without more fanfare than is needed."

Michael Welling
Founder of Qwerty Embedded Design
"GroupGets has been a wonderful partner in bringing tCam-Mini to the world. They’ve allowed me to focus on the technical aspects while handling manufacturing, marketing and fulfillment. The GroupGets team are fun and easy to work with. I’m looking forward to future endeavors together."

Dan Julio
Founder of danjuliodesigns llc
Some Community Made Products Sold On GroupGets!

Based 100% in the USA
All customer service interface, product development, and shipping is from our headquarters in Reno, Nevada USA.

We not only offer cutting-edge technology but also create it ourselves! Our in-house team has developed products for FLIR Lepton, Boson, Hamamatsu, and many others.

Premiere Partnerships
We have long history with Teledyne FLIR, Hamamatsu, and more - we earn our partners’ trust and yours, too.